Turbulent times upgraded workforce agility from a buzzword to a non-negotiable. Instead of sticking with the same tried-and-true approach, organizations must make bold changes to unlock the level of agility that the new world of work requires. Yet leaders keep running into the same roadblocks: legacy frameworks, tight timelines, and a resistance to change. Everyone feels the weight of these challenges, but it manifests differently for employees and HR managers.
Until now, leaders haven’t been able to see both sides of the story. Employee feedback might paint one picture, while manager input portrays another. Since businesses need a single source of truth to turn their vision of workforce agility into a reality, we polled over 1,000 employees and HR managers to get their insights on what it takes to fuel more dynamic ways of working. There’s a full report coming out shortly (sign up to be notified when it’s released), but we’re sharing the statistics that illustrate the most pressing workforce agility challenges right now.