Your definitive guide to Gloat Live 2024—from the people who are bringing it to life

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By Nicole Schreiber-Shearer, Future of Work Specialist at Gloat

Learn about our flagship summit straight from the source with these Gloater interviews

Every company is facing a transformation imperative. Leaders are looking to empower their workforces to build new skills, tap into talent that was once overlooked, and harness the next generation of AI innovations to take business operations to the next level. 

Now that every organization is embarking on its own change initiative, we decided it was time to dedicate our flagship summit to exploring transformation’s three key pillars: skills, talent, and data & AI. We couldn’t be more excited to kick off Gloat Live 2024 and help leaders forge new paths built upon the latest research, actionable best practices, and tried-and-true tips from visionary executives. 

Since our summit is just a few weeks away, we thought it was time to show you what we’ve got in store for our Gloat Live attendees. And who better to give you a sneak peek than the people working behind the scenes to make it all possible? We caught up with a few Gloaters working in HR, Product, Customer Success, and Marketing to pick their brains about the Gloat Live moments they’re most looking forward to—and their top tips for first-time audience members. 

What excites you most about attending Gloat Live?

Reed Mettler, HR Director: Skills foundations, workforce agility, AI—this is where the world of work is heading, and fast. Being at Gloat Live is a one-way ticket to the future and you get to sit alongside and connect with the best and brightest minds in this space. As a solution, Gloat is game-changing, energizing, and amplifying. Gloat Live will be all of that and more—in person.

Shira Antselovitch, Senior Product Manager: I’m absolutely pumped for Gloat Live 2024! I can’t wait to soak up the latest trends and insights in the HR tech space. Networking, learning, and maybe a little partying—it’s gonna be so great!

Lauren Gardner, Field and Account-Based Marketing Manager: I think what I’m most excited about are the business impact stories in our lineup and our hands-on workshops. Both Seagate and Mastercard are presenting with their CHRO and a business leader, providing a fresh perspective into what impact is possible within an organization. 

Emma McHugh, Director of Customer Success, US: Attending Gloat Live is the main opportunity of the year that I have to connect face-to-face with so many of our customers at one time, gain valuable insights, and contribute to the collective advancement of talent management practices. It’s an event that energizes me and reinforces my passion and dedication to the partnerships we have with our customers on their transformative journey as skills-based organizations.

Why do you think transformation is a particularly important theme right now?

RM: Transformation has always been an undercurrent in the HR space. However, never has transformation been happening as quickly as it is for us today. The way in which people and organizations are present for and engage with transformation now will determine their success in the future. 

LG: For a little behind-the-scenes context, we chose transformation as our Gloat Live theme because we realized that everyone is going through something similar: continuous transformation. If you aren’t in a talent transformation, you are in a business transformation. And if not business, it’s a skills transformation. We’ve curated the agenda to address all stages of transformation: exploring transformation, getting it off the ground, and continuing success after years. 

EM: Let’s call a spade a spade here—transformation is a very complex and multifaceted process, encompassing changes in technology, culture, processes, and more. It’s not easy. By sharing and discussing winning transformation strategies, we provide attendees with practical guidance and best practices that they can apply within their own organizations, including how to talk about these initiatives with other business stakeholders. This helps to demystify the transformation journey and accelerate progress towards achieving their goals beyond just HR and talent, into bottom line business objectives.

Which Gloat Live sessions are you most looking forward to?

RM: The Transformation in 10 sessions. Quick, content-rich, and a bit personal—I love this format. Transformation is a wonderful opportunity to be faced with. I’m eager to hear how the rewards match up to the challenges for these three panelists. 

SA: I’ve got to say our product keynote. It’s hush-hush but expect some game-changers. Think sleeker interfaces, smarter algorithms, and features that’ll make users go “Wow!”. Expect to see our product flexing its muscles at Gloat Live. It’s not just cosmetic—we’re talking real-deal improvements for our users.

LG: There’s so much value, it’s hard to choose! But I’m pretty excited for The Josh Bersin Company workshop on Monday which will be a deep dive into a Dynamic Organization case study. Guests will walk away with an entire workbook of plans for their organization. 

EM: I’m most looking forward to Thrive through change: How to affect transformation at a human level. I always say that technology is at its best when it’s helping us be more human. The stories that inspire me most are the ones where our solutions have helped foster a connection or have allowed for a conversation to transpire that might not have otherwise happened without Gloat’s products. When we engineer transformation strategy and plans around the individual person, in a way that places our shared humanity at the center of all we do, that is when we are able to drive true change and transformation at scale. I’m excited to hear Ariana Huffington’s perspective on this, especially as she is someone whose values and leadership philosophies inspire me. 

Reed, as an HR leader yourself, what would you tell fellow HR executives about Gloat Live?

RM: I’d want them to know it’s an invaluable opportunity to learn from future perspectives while freshening up their tool kit. Also, at summits like Gloat Live, you know you’ll be making solid connections that will last for years to come. 

Gloat Live is going to showcase how transformations are taking place, where it’s being done well, and the ways in which it is thriving. These insights will be applicable to any major initiative within an organization.

Lauren, as someone who’s responsible for bringing this summit to life, what’s your favorite part of working on Gloat Live?

LG: My favorite part by far is seeing RSVPs. I love seeing transformation leaders register from across the world, thinking about all of the connections that are going to happen, and the unique and fresh perspectives that I haven’t seen on any other HR platform. I’m happiest knowing that the group getting together will be able to learn from each other and hopefully foster relationships and learnings that they will have throughout their professional lives.

Shira, as someone who works on our product day in and day out, why is attending Gloat Live rewarding?

SA: Attending Gloat Live is like stepping into a live-action movie that shows the impact our product has on customers. The buzz, the success stories, and the chance to see firsthand how our hard work transforms businesses—it’s the ultimate validation. Plus, it’s a killer motivator for the entire team.

Emma, what advice would you give customers who are attending Gloat Live for the first time, either remotely or in person?

EM: I believe in the power of writing down goals, and processing our learnings through written reflection. After each session, write down one thing that you learned, or one idea you want to further discuss with a colleague or peer. Make a plan for how you will use your learnings and ideas once the conference is over, including maintaining connections made with your new network, and keep the Gloat Live spirit going all year long!

Last but not least, what makes NYC the perfect place for our transformation summit?

LG: It was hard to choose where we wanted to host Gloat Live. There are some very glamorous locations. But what’s better than our own backyard? We wanted an easy place for guests to travel to, an upscale experience, and also to bring people to our headquarters. 

RM: Every day spent in NYC, for visitors and locals alike, presents an opportunity to grow, change, challenge, and learn—all essential elements of transformation. Also, transformation never sleeps and neither does NYC.

If this Q&A session has piqued your interest in Gloat Live, you can watch on demand on our Gloat Live 2024 page.

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